About us

Together for a strong Europe

At VoteEU.org, we firmly believe in the power of democracy and the importance of every single vote in Europe. At a time when the European elections from June 6-9, 2024 have a direct impact on almost half a billion people, it is crucial that we all make our voices heard. Yet despite the huge importance of this election, we are seeing a worryingly low voter turnout and a lack of media and political attention. Particularly alarming is the disproportionate presence of far-right parties on social media, which strongly influences our youngest voters - the 16 and 17-year-olds in Germany who will be able to vote for the first time in 2024.

We launched VoteEU.org to counteract this trend and provide a platform that not only educates and informs, but also mobilizes and promotes a strong democratic voice on social media. Through innovative tools such as our profile picture frame and the spread of the hashtag "#VoteEU", we want to bring the European elections to the attention of all citizens and create a movement that shows: our vote counts, our future in Europe is in our hands. As democrats, we stand for Europe, for diversity and against division. Join us to form a strong democratic opposition to right-wing parties and shape our common future in Europe.

If you would like to support our mission, please drop us a line.

Björn Waide

Björn Waide

Hanover, Germany

I am driven by a passion for digital products and business models that create real impact and have a "net positive" effect on the environment and society.

Tim Hartmann

Tim Hartmann

Kamen, Germany

I love to create beautiful and functional interfaces since over ten years in profession.

Natalia Litvinova

Natalia Litvinova

Odessa, Ukraine

I love seeing my designs and illustrations take on a life of their own, make someone happy, change people and make them think about important things.

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