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Why A call for democracy! is an initiative that aims to highlight the importance of the European elections from June 6 to 9, 2024 and increase voter turnout. Given that European elections traditionally receive less attention and turnout is often lower than national elections, especially in a year when 16- and 17-year-olds are allowed to vote in Germany for the first time, #VoteEU aims to raise awareness and mobilize through the use of social media, especially against the disproportionate presence of right-wing parties.

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Further reading

Learn more about the upcoming EU elections and why they are so important.

Why voting matters
Why voting matters

The upcoming European elections scheduled for 6–9 June 2024 are a critical moment for citizens to shape the future of European democracy and the European Union. Voting is a vital democratic right that allows individuals to influence topics they care about at local, national, and European levels. The European Parliament enacts laws that impact various aspects of life, including the environment, security, migration, social policies, consumer rights, and the economy. These laws have both local and global implications.

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Changes in Voting Demographics
Changes in Voting Demographics

A notable development in the electoral landscape is the lowering of the voting age to 16 in several EU member states, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Malta, with Greece setting the age at 17. This change aims to increase youth participation in the political process, potentially influencing the overall outcome of the elections. However, the impact of this demographic shift on the election results remains to be seen, as younger voters may have different political priorities and affiliations compared to older demographics.

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Dangers of a Right-Wing Shift
Dangers of a Right-Wing Shift

A right-wing shift in the European Parliament could have profound implications for EU policies and the bloc's direction. The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) forecasts that populist radical right parties are likely to gain votes and seats across the EU, with anti-European populists expected to top the polls in several member states. This could lead to the formation of a populist right coalition within the Parliament, which would have significant consequences for European-level policies, particularly on environmental issues and migration.

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